4-H Public Speaking Contest – November
In preparing a speech, keep three basic steps in mind:
- Plan – Decide on the topic of your speech.
- Organize – Decide what you would like to say in your speech. Write it down on 3X5 cards, or on notebook paper. You may want to make an outline for your speech, using three parts:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
- Practice You should practice your speech several times just like you plan to do it in front of your audience. Practice using your note cards while standing up. You may want to practice in front of your parents, or in front of a mirror. Deciding on a topic is often the hardest part of giving a speech. Always remember that your topic should be something that you feel comfortable talking about.
4th Grade: 2-3 minutes on any topic
5th – 8th Grade: 3-5 minutes on any topic
9th – 12th Grade: 5-7 minutes about 4-H *see below
Classroom winners will be invited to the county contest to compete on their grade level.
County winners in 4-8th grade will be invited to Sub-Regionals.
Sr. High contestant rules
- Members will present a prepared speech not to exceed seven minutes* in length and will give an extemporaneous speech not to exceed two minutes in length.
- Members will present a prepared speech not to exceed seven minutes* in length and will give an extemporaneous speech not to exceed two minutes in length.
- * For each 30 seconds the speaker exceeds the seven minute time limit, one point will be deducted from the final score. Five points will be deducted from the final score if the speech is less than three minutes in length.
- The prepared speech will count 75% and the extemporaneous speech will count 25%. Form 656A will be used as the scorecard for the prepared speech and Form 657 will be used for the extemporaneous speech.
- County winners in 9-12th grade will be invited to the Regional Contest .
- Sr. High winners from Regionals go to the State Contest at Congress.
- See the attached score card for the prepared speech and extemporaneous speech for more info.
Contest Dates
County Contest
Elementary School
December 18, 2017
5:00 pm
Van Buren High School Auditorium
Middle School
December 19, 2017
8:00 am
Van Buren High School Library
4th – 8th Grade Sub-Regional Contest:
January 23, 2018 at Hyder Burks, Cookeville
Registration is at 5:30 pm
Contest begins at 6:00 pm
(Snow date: Jan. 25th)
9th – 12th Grade Regional Contest:
To Be Determined at a Later Date
Want to learn more about Communication?
Check out the 4-H Communications & Public Speaking Project!​​